Historical Sales Data: Sold House Prices for COURTFIELD AVENUE, CHATHAM, ME5 8QT

COURTFIELD AVENUE is in Medway in the county of Kent which resides in the South East region of England . The postcode is within the Lordswood and Capstone ward, which is in the constituency of Chatham and Aylesford . This page is a collection of useful information for COURTFIELD AVENUE, Medway , and the neighbourhood in which it resides.

Most frequent accommodation: Semi-Detached house

Regarding the Index of Multiple Deprivation, ME5 8QThas a score of 26522 out of 32844.

We found 22 house sales in ME5 8QT. The most recent was sold for £285,000 on 2 March 2022. The most expensive house purchase so far has been sold for £310,000 on 24 November 2017 and the lowest has been sold for £68,500 on 22 July 1996 . If you are interested in more detailed information then keep reading as we give insights about all of them in this page later on.

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Multiple Deprivation Index

26522 / 32844

Indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) are commonly used datasets in the UK to assess the relative level of deprivation, which is essentially a measure of poverty, in small geographic areas. These indices combine various indicators of deprivation, each assigned a different weight, to generate an overall deprivation score. The IMD scores provide valuable insights into the socio-economic conditions of different areas.

Most recent sale

£285,000 on 2 March 2022

Most expensive sale

£310,000 on 24 November 2017

Least expensive sale

£68,500 on 22 July 1996

Area Insights

Find out more about ME5 8QT

22 freehold properties

0 detached houses

20 semi-detached houses

2 terraced houses

0 leasehold properties

0 flats or maisonettes

0 others

Sold House prices in ME5 8QT

Previous sold prices of 1 COURTFIELD AVENUE
1 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £68,500 on 22 July 1996

Previous sold prices of 10 COURTFIELD AVENUE
10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £66,000 on 27 March 1997
10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £197,500 on 2 August 2007
10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £252,500 on 6 November 2015

Previous sold prices of 3 COURTFIELD AVENUE
3 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £47,000 on 27 June 1997
3 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £114,000 on 8 July 2002

Previous sold prices of 24 COURTFIELD AVENUE
24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £73,000 on 21 May 1999
24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 15 December 2006
24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 14 June 2013
24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £310,000 on 24 November 2017

Previous sold prices of 16 COURTFIELD AVENUE
16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £115,000 on 2 November 2001
16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £196,000 on 25 September 2006
16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £205,000 on 8 November 2012
16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £280,000 on 31 May 2016

Previous sold prices of 7 COURTFIELD AVENUE
7 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold terraced house sold for £169,000 on 6 January 2006

Previous sold prices of 6 COURTFIELD AVENUE
6 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £195,000 on 5 May 2006

Previous sold prices of 8 COURTFIELD AVENUE
8 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £215,000 on 27 June 2007

Previous sold prices of 18 COURTFIELD AVENUE
18 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 23 March 2012

Previous sold prices of 12 COURTFIELD AVENUE
12 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £230,000 on 2 October 2015

Previous sold prices of 28 COURTFIELD AVENUE
28 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £250,100 on 31 January 2017

Previous sold prices of 4 COURTFIELD AVENUE
4 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £270,000 on 24 April 2020

Previous sold prices of 9 COURTFIELD AVENUE
9 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold terraced house sold for £285,000 on 2 March 2022

All Sold House prices

Sold Semi-detached House prices

Sold Terraced House prices

Sold Freehold House prices

All Sold House prices of ME5 8QT in chronological order

1 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £68,500 on 22 July 1996

10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £66,000 on 27 March 1997

3 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £47,000 on 27 June 1997

24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £73,000 on 21 May 1999

16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £115,000 on 2 November 2001

3 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £114,000 on 8 July 2002

7 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold terraced house sold for £169,000 on 6 January 2006

6 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £195,000 on 5 May 2006

16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £196,000 on 25 September 2006

24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 15 December 2006

8 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £215,000 on 27 June 2007

10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £197,500 on 2 August 2007

18 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 23 March 2012

16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £205,000 on 8 November 2012

24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £192,000 on 14 June 2013

12 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £230,000 on 2 October 2015

10 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £252,500 on 6 November 2015

16 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £280,000 on 31 May 2016

28 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £250,100 on 31 January 2017

24 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £310,000 on 24 November 2017

4 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £270,000 on 24 April 2020

9 COURTFIELD AVENUE, ME5 8QT, MEDWAY - Leasehold terraced house sold for £285,000 on 2 March 2022

Room number

This data lists the total number of room each house have.

One: 0
Two: 0
Three: 2
Four: 2
Five: 44
Six: 47
Seven: 20
Eight: 7
Nine: 4

According to the latest census which took place in 2011, this postcode had a population of 54 people that includes overnight visitors as well as permanent residents. Furthermore, there were 20 households.

Household size

This data lists the total number of people normally resident within each household.

One: 17
Two: 52
Three: 25
Four: 22
Five: 8
Six: 1
Eight: 0

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Housing tenure

The national average of social housing is over 18%.

Owned outright: 55
Mortgage: 61
Shared Ownership: 1
Council: 1
Social other: 0
Private rented: 7
Private employer: 0
Private relative: 1
Private other: 0
Rent free: 0

The most common ethnicity is . Residents have the following ethnicities: 325 White, 0 Gypsy, 8 Indian, 0 Bangladeshi, 3 Other asian, 2 Black, 0 Mixed.

Accommodation type

Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets

Detached: 25
Semi-detached : 75
Terraced: 25
Flat: 0
Converted house share: 1
Flat in commercial: 0
Caravan: 0