COMMERCIAL ROAD is in Tower Hamlets in the county of Greater London which resides in the London region of England . The postcode is within the Whitechapel ward, which is in the constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow . This page is a collection of useful information for COMMERCIAL ROAD, Tower Hamlets , and the neighbourhood in which it resides.
Most frequent accommodation: Flat
Regarding the Index of Multiple Deprivation, E1 2DAhas a score of 4068 out of 32844.
We found 3 house sales in E1 2DA. The most recent was sold for £1,000,000 on 6 June 2024. The most expensive house purchase so far has been sold for £1,000,000 on 6 June 2024 and the lowest has been sold for £700,000 on 14 July 2010 . If you are interested in more detailed information then keep reading as we give insights about all of them in this page later on.