Historical Sales Data: Sold House Prices for TURNERS BUILDINGS, DURHAM, DH7 6QR

TURNERS BUILDINGS is in County Durham in the county of County Durham which resides in the North East region of England . The postcode is within the Esh and Witton Gilbert ward, which is in the constituency of City of Durham . This page is a collection of useful information for TURNERS BUILDINGS, County Durham , and the neighbourhood in which it resides.

Most frequent accommodation: Detached house

Regarding the Index of Multiple Deprivation, DH7 6QRhas a score of 23552 out of 32844.

We found 5 house sales in DH7 6QR. The most recent was sold for £90,000 on 7 January 2022. The most expensive house purchase so far has been sold for £90,000 on 26 August 2011 and the lowest has been sold for £61,000 on 23 December 2008 . If you are interested in more detailed information then keep reading as we give insights about all of them in this page later on.

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Multiple Deprivation Index

23552 / 32844

Indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) are commonly used datasets in the UK to assess the relative level of deprivation, which is essentially a measure of poverty, in small geographic areas. These indices combine various indicators of deprivation, each assigned a different weight, to generate an overall deprivation score. The IMD scores provide valuable insights into the socio-economic conditions of different areas.

Most recent sale

£90,000 on 7 January 2022

Most expensive sale

£90,000 on 26 August 2011

Least expensive sale

£61,000 on 23 December 2008

Area Insights

Find out more about DH7 6QR

5 freehold properties

0 detached houses

5 semi-detached houses

0 terraced houses

0 leasehold properties

0 flats or maisonettes

0 others

Sold House prices in DH7 6QR

Previous sold prices of 3 TURNERS BUILDINGS
3 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £61,000 on 23 December 2008
3 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £83,000 on 11 June 2010

Previous sold prices of 2 TURNERS BUILDINGS
2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £54,950 on 2 February 2009
2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £90,000 on 26 August 2011
2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £90,000 on 7 January 2022

All Sold House prices

Sold Semi-detached House prices

Sold Freehold House prices

All Sold House prices of DH7 6QR in chronological order

3 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £61,000 on 23 December 2008

2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £54,950 on 2 February 2009

3 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £83,000 on 11 June 2010

2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £90,000 on 26 August 2011

2 TURNERS BUILDINGS, DH7 6QR, COUNTY DURHAM - Leasehold semi-detached house sold for £90,000 on 7 January 2022

Room number

This data lists the total number of room each house have.

One: 0
Two: 0
Three: 1
Four: 17
Five: 33
Six: 26
Seven: 28
Eight: 17
Nine: 13

According to the latest census which took place in 2011, this postcode had a population of 4 people that includes overnight visitors as well as permanent residents. Furthermore, there were 3 households.

Household size

This data lists the total number of people normally resident within each household.

One: 38
Two: 58
Three: 20
Four: 17
Five: 1
Six: 0
Eight: 1

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Housing tenure

The national average of social housing is over 18%.

Owned outright: 57
Mortgage: 64
Shared Ownership: 0
Council: 0
Social other: 0
Private rented: 8
Private employer: 0
Private relative: 3
Private other: 0
Rent free: 3

The most common ethnicity is . Residents have the following ethnicities: 293 White, 0 Gypsy, 0 Indian, 1 Bangladeshi, 0 Other asian, 0 Black, 0 Mixed.

Accommodation type

Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets

Detached: 61
Semi-detached : 47
Terraced: 29
Flat: 0
Converted house share: 0
Flat in commercial: 1
Caravan: 0