undefined is in South Hams in the county of Devon which resides in the South West region of England. The postcode is within the Newton & Yealmpton ward, which is in the constituency of South West Devon. This page is a collection of useful information for undefined, South Hams , and the neighbourhood in which it resides.

Regarding the Index of Multiple Deprivation, PL7 5BP has a score of 13704 out of 32844.

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Multiple Deprivation Index

13704 / 32844

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From March 2022 Police Database


Graph by type of Crime

Anti-social behaviour: 2
Violence and sexual offences: 3
Burglary: 0
Criminal damage and arson: 2
Drugs: 1
Other theft: 0
Possession of weapons: 0
Public order: 0
Theft from the person: 0
Vehicle crime: 1
Bicycle theft: 0
Shoplifting: 0
Robbery: 0
Other crime: 2

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Detailed information by exact location

2 On or near Petrol Station

Crime type

Last outcome

Anti-social behaviour

Violence and sexual offences

Under investigation

3 On or near Bottle Park

Crime type

Last outcome

Anti-social behaviour

Criminal damage and arson

Under investigation

Violence and sexual offences

Under investigation

1 On or near Hemerdon Lane

Crime type

Last outcome

Criminal damage and arson

Under investigation

4 On or near Eagle Road

Crime type

Last outcome


Under investigation

Other crime

Under investigation

Other crime

Awaiting court outcome

Vehicle crime

Awaiting court outcome

1 On or near Beechwood Way

Crime type

Last outcome

Violence and sexual offences

Under investigation
