Crime statistics for GLENMORE ROAD, BURY, BL0 9SR

GLENMORE ROAD is in Bury in the county of Greater Manchester which resides in the North West region of England. The postcode is within the North Manor ward, which is in the constituency of Bury North. This page is a collection of useful information for GLENMORE ROAD, Bury , and the neighbourhood in which it resides.

Regarding the Index of Multiple Deprivation, BL0 9SR has a score of 32688 out of 32844.

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Multiple Deprivation Index

32688 / 32844

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From March 2022 Police Database


Graph by type of Crime

Anti-social behaviour: 0
Violence and sexual offences: 0
Burglary: 0
Criminal damage and arson: 0
Drugs: 0
Other theft: 0
Possession of weapons: 0
Public order: 0
Theft from the person: 0
Vehicle crime: 0
Bicycle theft: 0
Shoplifting: 0
Robbery: 0
Other crime: 0

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